How do home solar systems work?
photovoltaic (PV) panels are made from silicon cells that join together
to form a circuit. The panel collects the sun’s energy and makes direct
current (DC) electricity. An inverter changes the DC
electricity into
alternating current (AC) electricity, which is what most homes use. The
inverter is a metal box connected to a meter, which in turn is connected to the utility’s electric grid.
Do I need a new roof?
installers prefer a roof that has been fixed or replaced within the
last five years. This is because the roof must be sturdy enough to
support a mounting system and a rack.
What happens when it snows?
The snow typically melts right off the panels, especially if the panels are tilted.
Who fixes a panel if it breaks?
solar panels come with a 25-year manufacturer’s warranty, and it takes
only a few hours for a solar installer to make replacements. Usually the
installer will have a monitoring system that continuously checks the
working condition of its solar panels.
What is net metering?
solar panels generate more power than a household uses, the excess
kilowatts are pushed back onto the electric grid. Net metering is the
billing system that credits a homeowner for the excess power on the
home’s future bills. This helps during the winter months, when solar
systems generate less power since the sun’s energy is weaker. Solar
system owners still use the utility’s grid, which is why you still need
to pay a monthly connection charge.
How can I pay for a solar system?
You can get a solar or home improvement loan from a bank or go through a private solar financing company. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
has low-rate loans and financing options available, some of which can
be paid through your monthly utility bill. The return on investment for
most home solar systems is five to seven years.
Should I lease or buy?
a decade ago, leasing was the way to go, since the price of a home
solar system was high. Now that prices have come down by 70 percent,
according to the Solar Energy Industries Association, it is better to pay for something you will eventually own. According to Christopher Russo, a founder of Russo Appraisals on Staten Island, owning your own system will add about 3 percent to the value of your home.
How can a renter tap into solar energy?
is tough to do now, but renters one day may be able to join a shared
solar group. In theory, an owner of a large rooftop, say on a warehouse,
could become a host and could enter into an agreement with an energy
developer, a company that would finance, install, own and operate the
solar system on the host’s roof. Area residents could join this group
and pay a subscription fee to the developer in exchange for credits on
their electricity bills.
idea sounds simple, but there are many hurdles before these groups can
be up and running. Issues include the difficulty of finding a large
rooftop space; creating enough government incentives to entice building
owners to give up their rooftops for 20 years or more; and calculating
the optimal size for such a group.